By Apostle Joshua Selman
The house of God is a place of wisdom, it is a place of encounter, it is a place of strength. There are things you can only receive in the house of God, not in a bank nor in a library.
The house of God is a place of wisdom because of the word of God. The word of God is able to make any man wise.
John 16:12-13
1 Corinthians 2:9
When you access the wisdom of God through His word and by His spirit eventually your life becomes a reflection of God’s glory.
Gen 15:1
Not every work is rewardable, there are conditions that make the works of men rewardable.
Obadiah 1:17
…and the house of Jacob shall possess their possession.
God is a God who rewards men
Hebrews 11:6
Revelations 22:12: …give to everyman according to his works
To reward means to give, anything, an award, a commendation in recognition of service, effort, contribution or achievement.
The reward system is both a divine and a human system/principle.
The reason why God rewards men primarily because humans work by motivation Psalm 103:2
What God rewards?
God rewards diligent pursuit
Jeremiah 29:13
God rewards faithfulness
Matthew 25:15 - 26
Galatians 6:9: The reward of God comes in due season
God rewards sacrifice
Psalms 50:5
Luke 18:5-6
Genesis 15:1
God rewards the works of men
1 Corinthians 3:13-14
Just because you are working does not mean you will be rewarded. There are parameters for testing your work.
Obadiah 1:17
Deuteronomy 2:24
- Our doings do not carry the same value in the spirit
- There are certain works and kingdom activities in the bible that are considered mighty works/rewardable works
What makes our works mighty weighty or worthy of reward in the spirit?
The principal biblical parameter for testing the rewards of men.
A pure and a sincere heart
2 Chronicles 25:1-2
Ephesians 6:6
John 12:5-6
What makes your heart pure is the motive.
Pray the prayer search my heart O God, for only the Lord knows the true state of your heart.
Psychological human needs:
- Security
- Variety/newness
- Significance
- Love and acceptance
- Growth
- Impact and contribution
This was stated for us to know that It is natural for a human to tilt towards vainglory, you don’t have to be evil.
Colossians 1:10
Let the praise flow through you to the throne.
It is very difficult for men to give God glory - there is a measure of death that must happen to you. But if you pay that price in righteousness and maintain that posture, you will see the wonder working power of God.
Your love for Jesus and love for men
1 john 4:7
Never claim that you love God when you hate men, the bible says that love is God. In order of priority, love is wisdom, impartation and other things.
The more excellent way of doing anything is to do it in love.
1 Corinthians 12:31 - 13:1 - 3
Anything minus love makes it small.
Love is discernible - You can rebuke someone and the person knows you are doing it in love
James 1:3-4
Psalm 127:2
One of the ways you measure your growth in love is your compassion that you have towards men.
Weighty/mighty works in the spirit
The ministry of warfare and intercession - For territory, souls, regions and for the establishment of the will of God
Ezekiel 22:30
The reason why prayer and intercession is very important is because man will always participate with God for divine programs to find expressions on the earth.
Luke 2:36-37
Any genuine intercessor is a weighty person in the spirit provided it is from the purity of heart and love for God and His people.
There is always bread at the place of purpose - As long as it is the God of heaven, he will not leave you to beg.
Soul winning
This should not be your bases for winning soul, but know this at the back of your mind, that there is a reward for winning souls
Proverbs 11:30
Proverbs 3:35
1 Timothy 2:4
Mark 16:15
Daniel 12:3
Transforming nations through the power of God’s word and being a part of that transformative process.
Matthew 28:19-20
You preach the gospel but you teach the word.
Discipleship requires a sound and thorough knowledge of doctrine.
The assignment of the spirit of wisdom is to be able to break down spiritual realities such that every believer regardless of the level can comprehend, understand and engage with for their growth and their profiting.
Discipleship is concerned with raising transformed and empowered believers.
Raising leaders
Spiritual, political and any type of leader.
Any society is a reflection of the kind and quality of a leader found there
Matthew 9:36
2 Chronicles 15:3
Matthew 23:14
Ephesians 3:9
Leadership is the ability to harness and coordinate human and material resources, so as to meet a common goal.
Dr. Myles Munroe defines leadership as the ability to discover, refine and deploy your gift, serving it with so much excellence that people recognize you for integrity, excellence and vision and the reward they give to you is loyalty while it translates as influence to you.
Kingdom financing
1 Timothy 6:17-18
Philippians 4:10-19
The correct theology for giving is
- You love Jesus Christ
- You have been mentored to attain a state of maturity where you know that there is a mandate on you to be an active part of kingdom come even with your resources as proof of love and responsibility
Be encouraged believers, give!
The value of your money is not just in cars and houses, the value of your money is to see that a portion of your money is dedicated towards kingdom come.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Luke 16:10
Acts of Charity
Matthew 25:31-46
2 Corinthians 9:8
God desires that we give to society
James 1:27: Defines what the bible calls pure religion
Deuteronomy 15:10-11
- Cry unto God to purify your heart and plant a love for him and for men in you
- Grace to be actively engaged in: warfare and intercessor, winning souls, raising transformed and empowered believers, discipleship, financing God’s program - blessing people financially(food…)